The Battle of the Books

Strange things are happening right in the heart of Berlin where pages are being erased from the children’s books in Sandra’s bookshop. Are Anna and Jacob somehow to blame? One evening, the two youngsters find themselves falling through the pages of a book into ‘nothingness’. In this place, where there is nothing but blank paper, they have to invent new stories and then bring them to a secret library so all the children of the world can read them. But what the two friends do not suspect is that they are not alone in this ‘nothingness’ space inside the book. Little do they know they have an adversary and his plan is very different from theirs. When, unbeknownst to them, he destroys Anna and Jacob’s stories, the heroes of their stories tumble out of the books and an epic battle begins in The Secret Library.Will Anna and Jacob be able to save the library and thus preserve the stories for children to read for years to come? ‘The Battle of the Books’ is an exciting tale of friendship, tolerance and respect.

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